Sunday, November 21, 2010

ISO 9001 auditor

Who is ISO 9001 Auditor?

Internal Audit is a mandatory requirement according to ISO 9001 Standards.

An ISO 9001 Auditor must participate in a training course about internal audit and must be certified with auditor certificate by authorized training organization.

There are two kinds of auditor:

1. Normal Auditor; and

2. Lead Auditor
Basic Content of a training course on ISO 9001 Internal Audit

A training course about ISO 9001 will help participants understand the basic principles and necessary practical skills to perform an internal audit and make an effective report on the implementation and maintenance of quality management system in an organization.

1. General Introduction to Quality and quality management;

2. Introduction to 8 principles in quality management;

3. Introduction to and explanation of ISO 9001:2008 Standards;

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